Hiring on Accounts EXECUTIVE

Accounts ExecutiveRole Accounts ExecutiveJob DescriptionExperience 1 to 4 yearsSchedule 8 hours working6 Days ShiftSalary starts from 30kExperience Based on the performanceLocation ChennaiEducational Qualification Any Degree relevant to AccountsKey Skills -Basic knowledge in MIS-Experience in GST Filing & TDS Filing-Knowledge in Cash Budget-Strong Knowledge in Petty Cash-Proficiency in Tally & ExcelAccount executives negotiate contracts conduct sales presentations and calls recruit clients and walk new and existing clients through purchasing processes. Handles client concerns and feedback Coordinates with clients to ensure their needs are met Maintains and tracks a database of client activity Analyzes data trends Develops strategies for delivering client satisfaction Attracts prospective clients Roles & Responsibilities Manage all accounting transactionsInterested candidates can contact the given number as soon as possibleinfohrmadhu23(at)gmail.comHR-Madhu950 05 and74819



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