Senior Engineer Opportunity Injection Molding Store Dept

Senior Engineer Opportunity Injection Molding Store DeptJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesThe storekeeper is in charge of keeping thorough inventory records supervising the receiving and storing of merchandise and guaranteeing that supplies are available when needed.Upon receipt carefully examine the goods to make sure they meet all requirements including those stated in the purchase order.Keep precise inventory records which include regular physical inventory counts documentation of stock movements and tracking of stock levels.Keep your storage or warehouse neat and orderly making sure that everything is kept in a way that is both accessible and safe.Role Sr. Engineer in StoreExperience 5 to 8 yrsQualification Any Diploma BESalary From 35K to 40K per Month Location Sriperumbudur Interested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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