HR Executive for Experienced Responsibilities Planning and designing employees benefit packages. Executing the employee s annual review procedures. Maintaining a detailed record of the company s employees. Administering all the hiring processes of new employees. Analyzing and monitoring all the department s budgets. Supervising the day-to-day operations of the Human Resources department. Ensuring all the employees comply with the HR policies. Creating new HR policies and updating the existing ones. Overseeing the employee s termination process. Adhering to all the company s rules and regulations. An HR Executive is responsible for managing a company s human resources. The ideal candidate will hire train and manage employees while ensuring compliance with labor laws. They will develop and implement programs to improve employee performance and handle employee grievances. Professionals in this role will also update HR policies and regulations and maintain HR records. Experience 1 to 3 years Qualification MBA or Higher Degree salary From 18K Job Type Permanent Full time Job. Location Chennai we are currently looking for immediate joiners. Interested candidates can call the Hr for Further Details. With Regards Infohrmadhu23(at) 95005and74819 HR-Madhu



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