Hiring on Banking voice process

Hiring on Banking Process and backend Constant communication with the portfolio customers mapping in accordance with the contact policy making sure that all interaction details are accurately and fully captured. Answering calls according to established guidelines. accurate response to inquiries from clients. encouraging the use of digital banking services to provide better customer support. customer profiling to support appropriate cross-selling of bank products Accurate complaint tracking and handling. customer attrition control. Frequent communication with clients and a proactive evaluation of their needs. strengthening ties through cross-selling sticky products including advice bill pay and demat. When evaluating eligibility for a race make sure the relationship is of high quality. Keep an eye on large-scale transactions and account closures related to the deposit accounts. Maintain client retention UG BE BTECH BCA Salary 30k Experience 2-4yrs Best Regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-Madhu 9500574819



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