Step Up as an ITI Fitter to Next Level

Step Up as an ITI Fitter to Next LevelJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Blueprint Analysis - Analyze blueprints for mechanical systems to determine component specifications. 2. Component Construction - Construct structural components from raw materials. 3. Welding - Use welding equipment to fuse structural components. 4. Component Inspection - Inspect fabricated components for correct size and accuracy. 5. Cutting Structural Components - Use tools like shears power saws cutting torches and chipper knives to cut components as needed. 6. Maintenance Scheduling - Create and follow a maintenance schedule for systems. 7. Diagnostic Testing - Conduct diagnostic tests on malfunctioning systems to identify issues. 8. Component Replacement - Replace damaged or defective structural components. 9. Safety Compliance - Adhere to all work-site safety rules and regulations. Role ITI FitterExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any ITI GraduationSalary From 25K per Month (Negotiable Based on Previous Work)Location ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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