QA incharge wanted injection molding co in sriperumbudur

QA incharge wanted injection molding co in sriperumbudurKey Responsibilities Lead and Manage QA Team Oversee a team of QA engineers and testers providing mentorship guidance and support to ensure effective execution of QA activities. Develop and Implement QA Strategies Create and implement comprehensive QA strategies including test plans test cases and testing frameworks tailored to our BI & Analytics products. Coordinate Cross-Functional Collaboration Work closely with development product management and other teams to ensure seamless communication and collaboration across Chennai and Plano. Ensure High Quality Standards Establish and enforce quality standards and best practices for all product releases ensuring products meet or exceed customer expectations. Manage Test Execution Oversee the execution of various types of testing including functional performance regression and user acceptance testing. Monitor and Report on Quality Metrics Track and analyze QA metrics to provide insights on product quality testing effectiveness and areas for improvement. Drive Continuous Improvement Identify opportunities for process enhancements and implement changes to improve QA efficiency and effectiveness. Handle Issue Resolution Manage and prioritize defect tracking resolution and verification ensuring timely resolution of issues and effective communication with stakeholders.Qualifications Education Bachelor s degree in Computer Science Engineering or a related field. Advanced degrees or certifications (e.g. ISTQB CSTE) are a plus. Experience Minimum of 10 years of experience in software quality assurance with at least 3-5 years in a managerial role. Experience with BI & Analytics products is highly desirable. Skills Strong leadership and team management skills. Expertise in various testing methodologies and tools (e.g. Selenium JIRA TestRail). Proficiency in automation testing and manual testing techniques. Solid understanding of BI & Analytics platforms and data integration processes. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Strong communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with remote teams.What We Offer Competitive salary and benefits package Opportunity to work on cutting-edge BI & Analytics solutions Collaborative and innovative work environment Professional growth and development opportunities Flexible work arrangementsEdu BE Dip Location Kanchipuram Exp 2 to4 yrsSalary 35k Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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