HR Recruiter Position Make an Impact

HR Recruiter Position Make an ImpactJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Database Management - Update company databases with new employee contact and employment details. 2. Resume Screening - Screen resumes and applications to identify suitable candidates. 3. Interview Coordination - Organize interviews with shortlisted candidates. 4. Job Posting - Post job advertisements on job boards and social media platforms. 5. Ad Removal - Remove job advertisements once vacancies are filled. 6. Market Salary Research - Assist HR in gathering market salary information. 7. Event Planning - Help in organizing company events. 8. Offer & Rejection Letters - Prepare and send offer or rejection letters to candidates. 9. New Hire Orientation - Coordinate orientations for new employees. 10. HR Inquiries - Respond to staff inquiries regarding HR policies and employee benefits.Role HR RecruiterExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Qualification and MBASalary From 25K per Month (Negotiable Based on Previous Work)Location ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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