Quality Manager wanted Injection molding co

Quality Manager wanted Injection molding co Quality Manager shall be capable of doing an ISO Quality Management System audit and should have a sound knowledge on QA tools to address the discrepancies occurs during project execution by conducting periodical reviews and audits.Ability to conduct a gap analysis with the present scenario against the international standard requirements implementing levels of documents to meet the requirements of ISO QMS facilitating with other disciplines to ensure the implemented system is in place.Major ResponsibilitiesCoordinating with Certifying BodyRepresenting the management during certification and surveillance auditsPreparing and revising the QMS documents (namely QMS Manual Quality system procedures and other documentations).Ensuring the compliance of all the functions as per the ISO 9001 2008 standard.Preparing Management Review Meeting Schedule and conducting Management Review MeetingsPreparing Audit schedules Conducting Project Audits Internal Audits preparing audit reports Raising Nonconformity reports.Communicating to the Top Management on Quality issues Non-conformities & Audit reportsTo ensure timely closure of non - conformities identified in internal & external audits and upkeep of relevant recordsAddress Audit findings initiate corrective and preventive actions request and follow up for complete closure of CAPA.Measuring & Monitoring the process performance.Creating ISO QMS awareness for the associates by internal trainings.Periodical Review of Quality policy and objectiveTime to time review of all the functions to check the effective implementation of QMSTo monitor & review of QMS objectives with respect to key performance indicator.Preparing Quality related documents for the projectsConducting periodical quality checks.Job RequirementsEducation Qualification An engineering degree or diploma from a recognized university Institution is preferable. Shall have sound knowledge in QMS and QA tools QMS Lead Auditor will be an added advantage.Experience Minimum 6 Yrs for BE BTech Experience in quality assurance and control from any engineering manufacturing sector.Edu ITI Dip BELocation SriperumbudurExp 6 to 8 yrsSalary 60k Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937All the best



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