Dynamic Administrative Executive Role for Experienced Candidates

Dynamic Administrative Executive Role for Experienced CandidatesJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Administrative Support - Assist in daily tasks like data entry documentation and organizing files. 2. Market Research - Conduct research to identify potential clients and analyze competitors strategies. 3. Meeting & Presentation Support - Help organize meetings prepare presentations and draft reports. 4. Cross-Department Collaboration - Work with different departments to ensure smooth operations and communication. 5. Marketing Strategy Development - Contribute to the development of marketing strategies and campaigns to expand the client base. 6. Social Media Management - Assist in managing social media platforms and create engaging content to promote services. 7. Idea Generation - Participate in brainstorming sessions to generate innovative ideas and improve processes. 8. Skill Development - Earn certifications in skills such as business communication.Role Admin ExecutiveExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Qualification and MBASalary From 25K per Month (Negotiable Based on Previous Work)Location ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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