Incharge Designation Toolroom department

Company Name Injection Molding Job Designation INCHARGE Department TOOL ROOM Job Location Sriperumbudur Job Description Management of Toolroom Operations Oversee the toolroom s everyday activities such as tool repair maintenance and tool adjustments. Ascertain that every tool and mold needed for production is on hand and in good operating order. Control the supply of tools by making sure that consumables spare parts and essential components are kept on hand as neededupkeep and Repair of Tools Organize the upkeep restoration and repair of injection molds dies jigs and fittings. Create and execute preventative maintenance plans to reduce equipment failures and lost production time. Investigate and fix tool-related problems that could compromise the quality or productivity of the product. Tool Architecture and Adjustments When necessary work together with the engineering production and design teams to modify or create new tools. Examine tool designs and offer suggestions to maximize durability and performance. Salary 60k Vacancy 1 Exp 1-2 yrs With regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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