Hiring on STORE Department

Hiring on STORE DEPARTMENTDesignation SENIOR EngineerVacancy 1Location SriperumbudurShift General shiftQualification DIPLOMA BE EEEExp 5-8yrsSalary 35-40kKnowledge of Point of Sale Retail WiFi Systems basic Networking Desktop Support and remote management of systems installsWith focus on POS Wi-Fi Store Systems specific devicesEvaluates current systemsMaintains and documents accurate information data regarding Store Systems specific (POS WiFi Mobile ETC.) issues within the tracking system the document repositoryDetailed knowledge of network operating systemsBachelor s degree in Information Systems or related experience preferredParticipate in rotational on-call support role for on customer-facingMake testing part of the teams development process Contact the HR for Further Details infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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