Step Into Your New Role Forklift Operator

Step Into Your New Role Forklift OperatorJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Material Handling - Unload materials from the Packing Section to the Stock Yard and move them to assigned locations or vehicles. 2. Stock Movement - Locate and transfer stock to pallets for storage or shipment. 3. Damage Reporting - Identify and report shortages or damages to the supervisor. 4. Raw Material Shifting - Move raw materials from stores to production workstations as needed. 5. Forklift Inspection - Inspect forklifts for repair needs and ensure safety through regular maintenance. 6. Fuel Logging - Record diesel consumption for forklifts in the logbook. 7. Forklift Cleaning - Perform regular cleaning and maintenance of forklifts. 8. Daily Reporting - Submit daily work reports to the shift in-charge. 9. Forklift Operation - Operate forklifts and grabbers comfortably. 10. Operational Skills - Demonstrate strong skills in forklift operation. Role Forklift OperatorExperience 1 to 3 yrs Qualification 8th 10th 12th or AboveSalary From 25K per MonthLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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