React js PLSQL Developer wanted Exp

React js PLSQL Developer wanted Exp JD We are seeking a highly skilled Senior React & PL SQL Developer to join our dynamic development team. The ideal candidate will have deep expertise in both React.js for front-end development and PL SQL for database management as well as a strong background in SaaS enterprise infrastructures. You will play a key role in designing and implementing scalable high-performance web applications and database solutions for enterprise-level SaaS products.Key Responsibilities Front-End Development Design develop and maintain complex web applications using React.js and related front-end technologies.Back-End & Database Development Write and optimize PL SQL code for database management stored procedures and performance tuning in large-scale systems.SaaS Platform Integration Architect and implement solutions within SaaS enterprise environments ensuring scalability security and high availability.API Development & Integration Collaborate with backend engineers to develop and integrate RESTful APIs into the application ensuring seamless communication between front-end and back-end components.System Architecture Design optimize and maintain highly scalable software architectures for SaaS-based platforms ensuring performance and reliability.Job Type Full-timeSalary 15k to 30kQualificationsBE BTech MCA MScRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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