Hiring on Accounts Manager and executive

Hiring on Accounts Manager Job description we are looking for Account Managers with a creative streak who can strategize and manage communication and content for our clients. In this role you will be the primary point of contact between the client and Experiencing and be responsible for developing and overseeing their digital marketing strategies to ensure goals are met. Roles to be taken - Creating and maintaining a positive long-term relationship with clients and addressing any queries or concerns that may arise. - Determining client requirements and goals through periodical in-person or virtual meetings. - Developing cohesive multi-platform digital strategies for clients. - Analyzing the effectiveness of the strategies by tracking key metrics. - Coordinating with the rest of our team to ensure timely delivery of collateral. - Doing thorough quality checks on all collateral posted submitted to the client. - Preparing monthly quarterly yearly reports to be submitted to the client. - Keeping abreast with the digital industry. Salary Begins from 30k Exp 2-3 yrs Qualification B.COM M.COM With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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