Build the Next Big App Android Developer Role

Build the Next Big App Android Developer RoleJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Core Java Fundamentals - OOP Concepts and Exception Handling - Java Collections Framework 2. Android Application Development - Best Practices and UI UX Design - Performance Optimization 3. Android Architecture - Architecture Components and Lifecycle Management - Android Manifest and Resource Files 4. Multimedia App Development - Gallery and Wallpaper Apps - Media Player Integration 5. XML Parsing - JSON and XML Parsing Techniques - SAX vs. DOM Parsing 6. SQLite Database Management - CRUD Operations and Schema Design 7. Web Service Integration - RESTful vs. SOAP Services - Making API Calls in Android 8. Publishing Apps - Steps to Publish on Google Play Store - App Promotion Strategies 9. Version Control and IDE Tools - Using SVN and IDEs for Development - Graphic Design Tools (Photoshop Dreamweaver) 10. Advanced Topics - Material Design and Jetpack Libraries - Dependency Injection in AndroidRole Android DeveloperExperience 3 to 5 yrs Qualification Any Degree related to ITSalary From 40K per MonthLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for Further DetailsPreetha - HR 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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