Full AKC Standard Shih Tzu Puppies

Gods CreationsGod Places OUR Puppies Where They Are Meant To Be...If You Are Interested In One of Our AKC Shih Tzu PuppiesCalls are only Excepted 520-222-5842 No TextsSmall Standard Weights Ranging 9-11 lbs Dob 09 20 24 Pick Up Date Will Be November 18Price Includes Full AKC and 30 Day Health Ins. Puppy Packet FoodBlanket Toy Vaccinations dworming 1300 For MalesMale Aladdin Lavender Male Copper Chocolate 1500 For FemalesFemale Tiana White with Chocolate Markings Female Mirabel Chocolate Many Of Our Puppies Go Into To Being Great Service Dogs Available AKC Imperial Shih Tzu Puppies Dob 08 04 And 09 25 s marketplace.akc.org breeder michael-laguna-109037 shih-tzu 480405We Have Family in California Born In New Mexico Texas Live In Arizona Offering Local Arizona 200 Mile Radius Delivery For A Fee Az Local Pick UP NO Airports Wittmann Az 85361 Please Map It..



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