Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance wanted

Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance wanted 2 to 5 yrs expJob description Electrical Maintenance Mechanical MaintenanceElectrical MaintenanceThe Electrician inspects and tests elements of electrical systems to locate and diagnose faults and malfunctions performs required repairs through replacement of inoperative parts or re-wiring of circuits and provides an estimate of repair(and or replacement) costs beyond the capability to performMechanical MaintenancePerforms preventive maintenance inspections and service on machines. Thoroughly cleans machines and machine parts removing parts and reinstalling as necessary. Oils and lubricates moving parts on machines to ensure effective performance. Records and reports damaged worn or broken parts.Edu Dip BE Exp 2 to 5 yrsLocation Around chennai Salary Best in IndustryRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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