Hiring on Sales Executive

Job description Can approve receives thousands of enquiries each month. You will be responsible for counselling the assigned enquiries and selling our services over the phone by email & in person. Once the leads are received through software the Coordinator has to take a telephonic session If the leads seem to be qualified the coordinator should take a face to face counselling. The Immigration coordinator shall make a minimum 6 client conversions per month. Advice on the overseas options available so as to enable the candidates & their family make an educated choice & the right decision. Give clear and accurate information based on the current immigration & visa laws & policies. Provide a fair and right evaluation of a candidates profile. Provide a personal global career strategy customized to their needs. Location chennai salary 28-30k Exp 2-3 yrs with regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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