Mechanical Design Engineer male fresher Job 20 to 24 batch

Mechanical Design Engineer male fresher Job 20 to 24 batchJD Mechanical Design Engineer Support lead engineer in assessing customer & legal requirements in identification of gaps and in translation into technical requirements Plan mechanical design tasks and support lead engineer in calculating development cost and timing Develop product concepts according to technical requirements and field experience Evaluate different concepts (own competitors suppliers) to find best cost option using DFA & 6sigma methods Consider design rules & standards foster standardization Incorporate technical calculations and simulations as well as test results in the design Your Profile Bachelor Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Technology Minimum 4 years of experience in the area of Mechanical Design preferably with an Automotive related company. Experience designing castings machined parts and complex assemblies. Knowledge in GD& T and complex tolerance stack up analysis across multiple components.Extensive CREO 4.0 experience. Working knowledge in UG-NX. Windchill PLM and Work Group Manager Interface working knowledge preferredFind out how we work at ZF Job Segment R& D Engineer Mechanical Engineer Design Engineer R& D Engineer Engineering ResearchRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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