Production Manager Male jobs 2024

Production Manager Male jobs 2024Job descriptionResponsibilities Oversee and manage the entire production process of laboratory equipment.Ensure production meets quality standards and is completed within deadlines.Develop and implement production schedules and workflows.Monitor production performance and implement improvements to increase efficiency.Coordinate with the engineering and quality assurance teams to resolve production issues.Maintain and enforce health and safety protocols in the production area.Manage and train production staff to enhance their skills and performance.Prepare and maintain production reports and documentation.Requirements Education Bachelor s degree in Engineering Manufacturing or a related field. Experience - Minimum of 5 years of experience in laboratory equipment manufacturing.- Proven track record of managing production processes and teams. Skills - In-depth knowledge of production management principles and. practices.- Strong problem-solving and decision-making skills.- Excellent organizational and leadership abilities.- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. Skills and Competencies Comprehensive knowledge of laboratory equipment manufacturing.Strong leadership and team management skills.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Proficiency in production planning and control software.Job Type Full-timeBenefits Health insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shiftPerformance bonusEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Experience total work 10 years (Preferred)Language tamil English (Preferred)Work Location In chennaiRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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