Hiring on Accounting officer

Hiring on Accounting officer Accounts Officer Processing the cost statement and preparing cost reconciliation. Reconciliation of Revenue ledger and cost statement. Fund following with HQ on daily basis. Fund allocation for supplier and subcontractor on daily basis. Involving in system compliance such as monthly and quarterly account closing. Costing coordination and overhead Comparison with budgeted Vs Actual. Collecting require information on statutory claims from client and its consolidation. Improve systems and procedures and initiate corrective actions Budgeting forecasting and various analyses. Coordinating with planning for Bulk Material Reconciliation. Monthly GST filing. Subcontractor bill checking and recovering the S c workmen PF and Debit Notes and getting data for s c Provisions. Subcontractor reconciliation and Vendor outstanding review and report on weekly basis. Expenses statement verification and same forwarding to HQ. Monitoring cash balance monitoring and payments to sub-contractors. Ensure BG submission of Subcontractor & Client. Follow up for Client Billing collection. Properly maintaining MIS reports & updating as and when required. Staff rental agreement preparation & monitoring for renewal Location Guindy EXP 0-1YRS Salary 15-18k based on exp its negotiable with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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