Production designing and quality improvements

Hi Job Seekers New requirements for Male candidates The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design development manufacturing marketing selling repairing and modification of motor vehiclesAutomotive manufacturing is the process of assembling components to build automobiles trucks and other motor vehicles. Industry AutomotiveDepartment Production Quality Assembly DesigningVacancy 200Qualification IT DIPLOMA BE & Any degree with and without arreas applyDesignation GET TRAINEEExperience 0-1YRSBatch 20-24SALARY 15k-18k for freshers20-30k for experiencedBenefits food and cab facility overtime Uniform and shoe Role permanent & Full timeLocation Sriperambatur & Ambatur8 HOURS shift Contact HR Timings 9AM-5PMWith Regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.comHR-Madhu9500574819



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