Tool Room Quality jobs wanted 2024

Tool Room Quality jobs wanted 2024 Experience 01 to 3 Years experience in Plastic Mould Industry with Familiar Master Cam unigraphic Del Cam (Power mill) Software Set machines to complete full cycles to fabricate large number of parts Supervise the machines while they execute the tasks and make any necessary produce a better results Check and maintain machinery daily to ensure functionality Skill in operating VMC machinery and tooling as well as precision measurement tools Computer savvy with basic understanding of computer programming and CAD CAM Mechanical aptitude and good math skills Good communication abilitiesJob Types Full-time Permanent FresherBenefits Food provided Health insurance Life insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shift Rotational shift Weekend availabilitySupplemental Pay Overtime pay Performance bonus Yearly bonusRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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