Assistant Engineer - Tool Room 4 to 6 yrs exp

Assistant Engineer - Tool Room 4 to 6 yrs expDepartment - Tool RoomExperience - 4 to 6 yearsLocation - ChennaiIndustry - Tool & Die manufacturingJob Description - Hands on experience on manufacturing providing and trouble shooting ofBIW panel Managing a Tool Room allocating jobs machine scheduling managing people process planning and scheduling Planning & execution of tool room activities. Thorough knowledge on GD & T Engineering drawing. Getting detailed specifications from customers and ensuring production asper specification given by customers Ensuring meeting of timelines committed to customers. Selection of tooling materials and heat treatment process must be keyknowledge. Troubleshooting and solving technical problems. Experience in press tool & die sheet metal process. Good hand skill in grinding burr correction arc welding flame hardeningRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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