MAINTENANCE ENGINEER MACHINERY 2024Job description Job Title - Maintenance Engineer (Machinery)Salary - 18k to 30kWork Experience - 4-8 yearsLocation - chennai Job Description We are seeking a skilled Maintenance Engineer (Machinery) to join our team in the manufacturing industry. The ideal candidate will be responsible for ensuring the smooth operation and maintenance of machinery within our facility.Responsibilities Conducting regular inspections of machinery to identify and resolve issues Performing preventive maintenance on machinery to ensure optimal functioning Troubleshooting and repairing mechanical and electrical issues Collaborating with other team members to ensure efficient and safe operation of machinery Keeping accurate maintenance records and documentation Recommending and implementing improvements to machinery and maintenance processesRequirements Bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field Proven work experience as a Maintenance Engineer in a manufacturing setting Strong knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills Ability to work independently and as part of a team Good communication and interpersonal skills Knowledge of safety regulations and proceduresRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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