Hiring Freshers for Production Department 2024

Hiring Freshers for Production Department 2024Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesEvaluate and assess current manufacturing procedures then offer recommendations for enhancements and simplifications.Evaluate the machinery and equipment that is currently in use create a schedule for routine maintenance and servicing and offer suggestions for improvements.Keep an eye on evaluate and suggest ways to improve the output and production levels that are now being achieved.Establish procedures for equipment repair and quality control inspection.Lower production expenses while maintaining superior produce quality.Maintain a record of all performed maintenance repairs and servicing for your equipment.Examine finished maintenance and repair work to make sure the fixes are viable.Help the engineering team with the planning and execution of maintenance and repair tasks.Observe health and safety regulations when working.Aim towards the KPIs and goals that the executives have set forth.Role Production EngineerExperience FreshersQualification Diploma BE in MechSalary From 15K per MonthJob Type Full time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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