Finding Candidates going on for Freshers in IT

Finding Candidates going on for Freshers in ITJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesExperience in database development in a large enterprise context.strong familiarity with RDBMS principles and understanding of database designextensive background writing PL-SQL database code including stored procedures triggers and UDFsshould be familiar with performance tuning and query optimisation.It is required to have either Oracle 12C or higher experience.strong problem-solving and analytical abilities.It is essential to have extremely good interpersonal communication and documentation abilities.Must be able to specify best practices and coding standards and make sure they re followed.Assist peers and subordinates in developing their careers and serve as a technical mentor for the team.Role SQL DeveloperExperience FresherQualification Any Degree related to ITSalary From 15K per MonthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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