Potential Openings Available in Payment Posting

Potential Openings Available in Payment PostingJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Accurately post payments and modifications Ensure all customer account payments and adjustments are accurately entered into the financial system maintaining data integrity.- Reconcile daily payment batches Regularly review and reconcile payment batches to promptly identify and address any discrepancies or inconsistencies.- Verify payment details Cross-check payment information to ensure completeness and accuracy minimizing errors in the posting process.- Process various income streams Handle and correctly apply patient payments insurance payments and other types of income to respective accounts.- Generate and review reports Prepare and analyze daily monthly and periodic reports to ensure all payments have been posted correctly and efficiently.- Resolve payment issues Communicate with clients patients and insurance providers to resolve discrepancies or concerns related to payments.- Assist with closing procedures Support month-end and year-end closing activities ensuring all payments and adjustments are posted in a timely manner.- Maintain accurate records Keep detailed and organized documentation of all payment posting activities for audit and review purposes.- Collaborate with other departments Work closely with billing finance and customer service teams to resolve any issues related to payment and billing processes.- Ensure compliance Verify adherence to relevant laws regulations and company policies ensuring proper handling of payments and financial transactions.Role Payment Posting ExecutiveExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 18K per MonthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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