Opportunities for Career in ITI Electrician

Opportunities for Career in ITI ElectricianJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesUsing power and hand tools assemble install test and maintain electrical appliances fixtures and equipment.Attach wires to transformers circuit breakers and other parts.Examine electrical systems apparatus and parts to find risks flaws and the need for modifications or repairs. Also make sure that all codes are being followed.Inform management if the equipment s continuing operation poses a risk.Create sketches based on the designs in order to locate wiring and equipment and verify that they adhere to construction and safety codes.Attach power wires and ground leads.Carry out administrative tasks related to business administration including filing and record-keeping.Preventive maintenance increasing the floor s primary electricity and lighting systems.Use power and hand tools to repair or replace wiring equipment and fixtures.Role ITI ElectricianExperience 0 to 3 yrs Qualification Any ITI GraduationSalary From 15K to 25K per Month Job Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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