Accountant jobs 1 to 2 years apply Guindy

Accountant jobs 1 to 2 years apply GuindyEDU Any degreeLocation guindySalary 15k to 18k1. Billing of Invoices 2. Knowledge of GST & TDS for booking entries 3. Should have worked on Tally ERP or Tally 9.00 4. Interacting with Clients 5. Solving customer queries regarding outstanding payments 6. Maintaining entries in the tally Income & expense 7. Preparing Debit and Credit note 8. Handling Petty cash 9. Maintain accounting vouchers 10. Co-coordinating with Head office for payment of vendor billsExperience Taxation 1 year (Preferred) total work 1 year (Preferred)Language English (Preferred)License Certification Tally (Preferred)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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