Immediate Vacancies going on for Experienced QC engineer

Immediate Vacancies going on for Experienced QC engineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Perform inspections of electronic products and components Conduct detailed inspections of electronic products components and assemblies analyzing them to identify potential failure modes root causes and defects that could impact performance or quality.- Strong knowledge of product management concepts Utilize a solid understanding of product management principles to oversee the development production and lifecycle of electronic products ensuring that customer and market needs are met.- Hands-on experience with electronics hardware Leverage technical skills to work with electronic hardware including PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) and relays. Set up comprehensive test cases develop diagnostic scenarios and troubleshoot technical problems effectively.- Understanding customer quality requirements Actively engage with customer feedback and requirements ensuring that the quality of the product meets or exceeds their expectations and aligns with quality standards.- Maintain product deliverables Collaborate with internal teams (engineering manufacturing and quality assurance) and external stakeholders (suppliers vendors and customers) to ensure timely delivery of high-quality electronic products.- Communication with internal and external stakeholders Facilitate clear and effective communication with various stakeholders ensuring transparency on project timelines quality standards and any technical issues or challenges that arise.- Knowledge of quality assurance processes and systems Apply best practices in quality assurance utilizing established processes and systems to monitor and improve product quality throughout the development and production phases.- Strong electronics engineering knowledge Bring a deep understanding of electronics engineering concepts to the role ensuring that all electronic products are designed tested and produced with adherence to technical specifications and industry standards.Role QC EngineerExperience 4 to 8 yrs Qualification Diploma BE in AutomobileSalary Based on Previous experienceJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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