VMC and CNC Programmer with MasterCAM Needed

VMC and CNC Programmer with MasterCAM NeededJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Program VMCs using CAM software Create precise machining programs using CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software based on engineering drawings and specifications to ensure the accurate production of parts and components.- Set up VMC machines Prepare VMC machines for production by loading the necessary materials fixtures and tooling ensuring proper alignment and configuration for efficient machining operations.- Conduct tool changes and adjustments Perform tool changes offsets and adjustments during the machining process to maintain accuracy and ensure high-quality output minimizing production errors.- Monitor machine operations Observe machine operations closely to detect any malfunctions deviations from specifications or irregularities in the machining process intervening as necessary to prevent defects.- Troubleshoot machining issues Diagnose and resolve problems related to machining programs tooling or machine performance working to minimize downtime and maintain production flow.- Perform regular maintenance tasks Carry out routine maintenance tasks on VMC machines including cleaning lubricating and inspecting for wear or damage to ensure optimal machine performance and longevity.- Collaborate with engineering and production teams Work closely with engineers production supervisors and other team members to optimize machining processes improve efficiency and troubleshoot complex issues.- Maintain accurate documentation Keep detailed records of machining processes programs tooling setups and any adjustments made during production ensuring traceability and compliance with quality standards.- Adhere to safety protocols Follow all safety guidelines and protocols to maintain a secure and hazard-free work environment while ensuring the workspace remains clean and organized.Role VMC CNC ProgrammersExperience 5 to 10 yrs Qualification Diploma BE in MechSalary Based on Previous experienceJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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