Job Potentials for Team Leads in Banks

Job Potentials for Team Leads in BanksJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Oversee financial planning analysis and reporting activities Direct and manage all financial planning budgeting forecasting and reporting activities for the business unit ensuring alignment with corporate objectives and providing accurate insights for decision-making.- Develop and monitor budgets forecasts and financial models Create and maintain comprehensive budgets financial forecasts and models that help guide strategic business decisions ensuring alignment with short- and long-term goals.- Collaborate with business leaders to address financial risks and opportunities Work closely with cross-functional teams and department heads to identify potential financial risks and opportunities providing strategic insights to mitigate risks and capitalize on growth opportunities.- Ensure accurate and timely financial reporting Ensure that all financial reports including profit and loss statements balance sheets and cash flow reports are prepared and submitted in accordance with corporate policies accounting standards and regulatory requirements.- Lead and mentor a team of finance professionals Manage mentor and develop a high-performing finance team fostering growth and providing guidance to enhance their skills and ensure the delivery of high-quality financial analysis and reporting.- Drive continuous improvement in financial processes and systems Identify and implement process improvements to streamline financial operations enhance efficiency and improve data accuracy by leveraging new technologies and best practices.- Present financial insights and recommendations to senior management Regularly present financial analyses performance metrics and actionable recommendations to senior management and stakeholders supporting key strategic initiatives and decision-making.Role Team Lead - BankingExperience 6 months to 3 yearsQualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 22K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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