Medical Billing Non Voice Freshers 20 to 24

Medical Billing NonVoice Freshers 20 to 24JOB REQUIREMENTS To be considered for this position applicants need to meet the following qualification criteria Good communication and analytical skills Good typing speed is important for this role Should be flexible to work in rotational shifts This is a non-voice process and does not require any call center skills Degree diploma in arts or sciences without any current arrears. BTech BE MBA MCA and other professional courses will not be considered as this is an entry level call centre positionJOB DESCRIPTION(Training will be provided for freshers) Accurately process medical claims transactions including Strive to achieve the productivity standards Adhere to customer provided turnaround time requirements Actively participate in all training activities from Induction training Client specific training and refresher training on billing and compliance Possess strong ability to understand the impact of the process on customer KPIs Edu Any degree Exp freshers to 2 yrs Location chennai Salary company norms Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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