CNC AutoCAD Programmer - 119009

CNC AutoCAD ProgrammerPay 25 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Monday Friday 7AM-4 30PMJob type Temp to HireLocation Tulsa OklahomaWe re looking for a skilled CNC Programmer to join our metal fabrication team with a strong focus on AutoCAD. In this role you ll program and operate CNC burn tables including plasma and oxy-fuel systems. Your main responsibility will be creating and modifying cutting programs using AutoCAD based on production drawings and material specs.What you ll be doing Programming CNC burn tables to cut metal components with accuracy. Using AutoCAD to create and modify technical drawings and cutting paths. Collaborating with engineers to optimize designs for the cutting process. Setting up and operating burn tables ensuring quality cuts through inspection and measurement. Troubleshooting issues during the cutting process and maintaining CNC machines for peak performance. Must-Have Qualifications 2 years of experience programming and operating CNC burn tables. Strong proficiency in AutoCAD (OmniWin Software preferred) for creating and adjusting cutting programs. Knowledge of CNC burn tables including plasma and oxy-fuel cutting systems. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and engineering drawings. High attention to detail with a focus on accuracy in programming and cutting. Problem-solving skills for troubleshooting cutting and machine issues. Job Order 119002Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionApplication Time 7 00 A.M. to 3 00 P.M. Monday-FridayTulsa Office Locations 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 741204305 South Mingo Road Suite F Tulsa Oklahoma 741466321 E Admiral Place Tulsa Oklahoma 74115Claremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work.



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