Dog training 4 hire 856-563-6909

Hello everyone, we offer obedience training for your dog or puppy big or small we train them all starting from eight weeks of age minimum that has a current vaccine record that passes our evaluation We offer training for individuals that are located in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and surrounding areas Our obedience program includes Obedience commands, such as heel to walk with you on your left-hand side Sit Stay Come lay down Place And Go Potty Out Side The program also includes problem-solving, such as excessive, barking, chewing, whining, jumping, digging holes, dashing out the door, jumping on you, or others, controlling your dog to follow commands to respond to you as the handler on and off the leash private lessons are included. This is a Board and training Obedience program for sociable, dogs and puppies No more out of control canine train them don t blame them have them trained the right way the first time verbal praise with a pat on the side no Food rewards no cutting corners If your dog is aggressive towards people or other dogs, food or article aggression, ask about our controlled aggression training program. That is the only program that we allow aggressive dogs in. Call 856-563-6909 AAA Pro K9 Trainer NYC AAA If your dog is skittish or lacks in socialization, and or from a puppy mill shows signs of submissive behavior, submissive, urination, cowering at the back of a crate ask about our building canine Confidence program. Our obedience alone will never correct a Skittish dog or puppy. During our boarding training, we text or email our customer video updates to show you that progress your canine is doing in the program we offer private lessons during and after your canine has been trained to show you how to handle your dog or puppy on and off the leash No more chasing your dog no more out of control behavior training is available big and small, large and giant all breeds including rare family working herding and more !



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