Android developer

Job description Position Android Developer Mode of Work Work from Office Key Responsibilities Design and build advanced applications for the Android platform. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define design and ship new features. Work on bug fixing and improving application performance. Continuously discover evaluate and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency. Skills and Competencies Strong working knowledge of Kotlin Android SDK different versions of Android and how to deal with different screen sizes. Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect Android applications to back-end services In-depth knowledge of understanding the full mobile development life cycle. Good to have skill set in Hybrid Apps using Angular React etc. Familiarity with the use of additional sensors such as proximity gyroscopes and accelerometers Knowledge of the open-source Android ecosystem and the libraries available for common tasks Understanding of Googles Android design principles and interface guidelines Proficient in understanding code versioning tools such as Git etc. Experience with third-party libraries and APIs for Payment Login etc. Knowledge on Android Vitals and handling Crash & ANR s. Experience in play store app publishing and Google in-app billing. Location Chennai Qualification BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATON Salary 25-30k based on experience its negotiable Experience 2-3 yrs With warm regards Infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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