Hiring on Purchase department

Hiring on Purchase Department Performance Evaluation and implementation and controls 1. Supplier Management - Develop and maintain a robust supplier base for goods and services - Conduct regular supplier performance evaluations and implement corrective actions when necessary. 2. Price Negotiation - Negotiate prices with suppliers to achieve targeted purchase budgets and cost savings. - Develop and implement effective pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness. 3. Budget Management - Achieve targeted purchase budgets and ensure alignment with business objectives. - Analyze and report on procurement spend identifying areas for cost optimization. 4. Collaboration - Work closely with Merchandising Factories Shipping and Distribution departments to ensure alignment and effective communication. - Facilitate cross-functional meetings to discuss procurement strategies supplier performance and operational efficiency. Exp 2-3 yrs Location Chennai Qualification any basic graduation diploma in electrical category Salary 30-35k based on experience its negotiable With warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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