Mechanical Engineer jobs at MAnufacturing co

Mechanical Engineer jobs at MAnufacturing coMajor Responsibilities Plans develops coordinates and reviews engineering work within a discipline on projects of medium size and complexity or assignments in support of a global business unit. Coordinates and monitor day-to-day technical work of discipline engineers designers and drafters. Executes process deliverables according to a set engineering design criterion utilizing approved engineering departmental procedures(EDP) codes and standards Bechtel design guides appropriate Bechtel Standard Application Program (BSAPs) and administrative practices. Communicates complex technical issues and recommends solutions to Project Manager Project Engineer in consultation with specialists. Reviews and approves key engineering drawings calculations bid summaries and field change notices. Estimates staffing needs and schedules and assigns work to meet schedule dates. Conducts performance reviews in accordance with approved procedures and holds career development discussions. Coordinates assigned engineering work with other project groups. Develop assist in documentation for progress reporting tracking mechanism for team deliverables Participate in safety reviews (HAZID HAZOP SIL) as well as reviewing compliance with applicable safety and quality standards Coordinates with client representatives as delegated to obtain their approval on phases of work. Implement Capture Lesson Learnt. Active pursue of Value Engineering design and cost optimization program Ensures that direct reports receive appropriate on-the-job training for their professional development. Interaction with Global office Home office (abroad) execute work on workshare modeEdu ITI Dip BEExp 0 to 3 yrsSalary chennaiRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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