Need for Desktop Support Engineer in Mount Road

Need for Desktop Support Engineer in Mount RoadJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. User Support Address user tickets related to hardware software and networking issues.2. Installation Assistance Guide customers in installing applications and computer peripherals.3. Problem Diagnosis Ask targeted questions to diagnose technical problems.4. Step-by-Step Guidance Provide users with simple clear instructions.5. Remote Troubleshooting Conduct remote troubleshooting and testing of solutions.6. Customization Customize desktop applications to meet user needs.7. Issue Logging Record technical issues and solutions in logs.8. Escalation Direct unresolved issues to the next level of support.9. Client Follow-Up Ensure clients systems are fully functional after support.10. Feedback Reporting Report customer feedback and potential product requests.11. Documentation Assist in creating technical documentation and manuals.Role Desktop Support EngineerExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Degree related to ITSalary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Mount Road ChennaiInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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