Recruiting Assistant - 119082

Recruiting AssistantPay 13-15 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Part time 12-4 Monday FridayJob type Temp to HireLocation Claremore OklahomaWe re hiring a Recruiting Assistant for our Claremore office to provide administrative support and assist with recruiting tasks.What you ll be doing Manage multi-line phone systems answering and directing calls. Provide customer service by greeting applicants and assisting with job applications. Schedule and conduct interviews with candidates. Perform general office duties such as filing scanning and data entry. Accurately enter data at a minimum of 40 words per minute. Handle a high volume of applicants and calls while maintaining a positive and professional demeanor. Work in an industrial manufacturing environment interacting with candidates from diverse backgrounds. Use Microsoft Word Excel and Outlook for daily tasks. Must-Have Qualifications Strong customer service and multitasking skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Word Excel and Outlook. Ability to type at least 40 words per minute. Experience managing multi-line phone systems. Ability to interact with diverse personalities in a professional manner. Prior experience in recruiting or a staffing environment is a plus. Job Order 119082Stand-By Personnel Skilled Division



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