Prestashop ebay integration addon by knowband

The PrestaShop eBay Integration Addon by Knowband is a powerful tool designed to seamlessly connect your PrestaShop store with the eBay marketplace. This user-friendly module allows you to effortlessly list and manage your products on eBay directly from your PrestaShop admin panel. With features like bulk product listing, real-time inventory synchronization, and automated order management, this addon streamlines your multi-channel selling process. Key highlights include profile-based listing, which simplifies the task of assigning product categories and attributes, and the ability to customize eBay listings with templates. The module also supports order synchronization, ensuring that all eBay orders are reflected in your PrestaShop store for easy tracking and fulfillment. Enhance your reach, boost sales, and manage your eBay operations with ease using the PrestaShop eBay Integration Addon by Knowband.



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