Establishments available for AR Callers

Establishments available for AR CallersJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Claims Handling Manage healthcare insurance claims follow up on outstanding accounts and work towards resolving any denials.- Insurance Verification Contact insurance companies to verify eligibility resolve discrepancies and obtain claim status.- Timely Follow-Up Ensure prompt follow-up on outstanding claims and payments to minimize delays.- Denial Management Identify trends in claim denials and provide feedback to the billing team for process improvement.- Record Keeping Maintain accurate records of communication with insurance companies and document the steps taken to resolve claims.- Target Achievement Meet daily and weekly targets for call volume and resolution.- Compliance Stay updated on industry regulations including HIPAA and adhere to company policies related to data privacy and security.Role AR CallerExperience 1 to 3 yrsQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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