CNC Laser Operator

CNC Laser Operator 2nd shift 19 - 22 Specialty door manufacturing company in Pico Rivera is hiring for a CNC Laser Operator.2nd shift 3pm - 11 30pm Monday - Friday Training would take place 12pm - 8 30pm then transition to 3pm start. Your responsibilities include but are not limited to the overall coordination of the work in progress assigned to you including Set-up CNC laser machine(s) (i.e. change nozzles breakaway insulators load programs etc.) Operate CNC laser machine(s) Move and place sheet metal on off machine using forklift Check parts to ensure they conform to drawings Read and interpret job packets Perform basic preventative maintenance for assigned CNC laser including but not limited to filling chiller with DI water coolant cleaning changing air filters centering tips etc. Troubleshoot and perform minor maintenance to CNC laser machines as necessary Raise machine issues to supervisors managers Other duties as assigned by supervisors production plant managers or management team (626) 561-0190



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