Bank Team Lead Role with Collection Experience

Bank Team Lead Role with Collection ExperienceJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesThis role demands a blend of leadership communication and technical skills especially in the context of debt collection and customer service. Below is a summary of the key responsibilities and skills - Strong Analytical Abilities Ability to analyze financial data customer accounts and payment patterns to identify issues and implement effective solutions. - Team Leadership Capable of leading and motivating a team ensuring they meet objectives and perform their duties effectively. - Local Language Proficiency Conversant in the local language and familiar with the regional environment which is crucial for effective communication and operations particularly in fieldwork. - Timely Review and Action Regularly review team performance and take necessary measures promptly to address any issues or improve processes. - Field Support Accompany and support field collectors during their assignments providing guidance and ensuring compliance with procedures. - Customer Inquiries Respond promptly to customer inquiries demonstrating patience and resilience in dealing with potentially difficult situations. - Debt Collection Regulations Knowledgeable about state debt collection regulations to ensure all activities are compliant with legal requirements. - Corporate Debtor Monitoring Regularly review the corporate debtor list and monitor accounts for overdue payments ensuring proactive management of debt. - Debt and Billing Information Track and research past debt and billing information to provide accurate records and facilitate collections. - Notice Warnings Issue notice warnings to customers when payments are overdue following up as necessary to encourage payment. - Legal Action Monitoring Oversee legal actions against debtors who neglect to pay ensuring that all procedures are followed and documentation is accurate. - Accounting and Payment Arrangements Familiar with accounting procedures and payment arrangements ensuring accurate financial tracking and reporting. - Collections Software Proficiency Competent in using collections software to manage customer accounts track payments and generate reports. This role requires a well-rounded individual who can manage a team navigate the complexities of debt collection and communicate effectively with customers and colleagues.Role Team Lead - Collection Experience 1 to 3 yrs Qualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 22K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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