Employing Freshers for Quality Analyst Medical Billing

Employing Freshers for Quality Analyst Medical BillingJob Description Experience FreshersQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 15K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiShift Ready to work in any ShiftResponsibilities Perform coding audits and compliance audits for providers including physicians and mid-level providers. Prepare reports of audits and present audits to internal and external parties as neededComplete accurate application of appropriate coding and documentation guidelines including but not limited to E& M and surgery documentation guidelines CCI guidelines CPT HCPCS coding guidelines and specialty association guidanceComplete coding audits for our copartners coding WQWork with any off site auditorsEvaluate and report on the overall quality of physician documentation that supports selected codes most specifically but not inclusive of medical necessityWe are currently looking for Immediate Joiner24 Batch students can also apply for this job Those with arrears are also eligible to apply for this jobInterested candidates can contact the Hr for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670



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