If you are best at things you do come join us

If you are best at things you do come join usJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesManage the department s daily operations.Manage bills for credit and cash.Speak with clients to address their various billing-related concerns.Keep up with all record-keeping.The billing staff is in charge of overseeing all consultations and OP IP billing.To prevent computation errors the system must be updated with the entire tariff structure and the doctor s consultation fees.Strict adherence to computer billing is required manual billing is not acceptable.Take in and record the billing activities that you have been given by your clients.In the event that a billing error occurs the billing staff must assume full responsibility for the resulting deficit.Arrange and preserve all patient-related records in a systematic way.Experience 1 to 4 yearsQualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 18K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiFreshers can also Apply for this PositionWarm Regards HR - 63855 80670



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