Medical billing payment poster

Job description Hiring for medical coding payment posting Roles and Responsibilities AR Caller Should have experience working as AR Caller(Medical billing-US healthcare) Night shift in Voice process (5.30 PM to 2.30 AM) Location chennai salary based on experience and skills its negotiable Exp 2-4 yrs Perform Accounts Receivable (AR) calling activities within the medical billing field with 1-3 years of experience ensuring timely follow-up on unpaid claims. Collaborate effectively within a team environment focused on processing medical billing transactions actively contributing to achieving team goals. Utilize exceptional communication skills to make calls to insurance companies or clients for AR follow-ups aiming to resolve outstanding claims efficiently. AR Analysis Should have experience working as AR Analyst (Medical billing-US healthcare) Day shift in Non voice process (8.00 AM to 5.30 PM) Demonstrate proficiency in AR analysis meticulously examining billing accounts to identify discrepancies unpaid claims and billing errors. Adhere to all business rules provided by clients ensuring accurate processing of transactions while meeting stipulated turnaround times. Maintain AR billing claims accounts at an acceptable level by implementing strategic approaches to resolve outstanding balances and reduce AR aging. Uphold a high standard of accuracy in AR processes consistently striving for excellence in AR calling and analysis tasks to optimize revenue cycle management Payment Posting Should have experience working in Payment Posting (Medical billing-US healthcare) Wiling to Work in teams that process medical billing transactions and strive to achieve team goal In some cases To work on Posting of Payment from EOB - Both Manual and ERA Absorb all business rules provided by the customer and process transactions with a high standard of accuracy and within the stipulated turnaround time Interested candidates please share updated resume to infohrmadhu23(at) For Queries please Call 9500574819 Regards HR-MADHU



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