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We Lead You To The Right CompanyJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesshows a deep understanding of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes modifiers and associated fees. Accurate data entry is maintained in the computer system. accurately and promptly posts daily visit charges and receipts into the appropriate patient account. adds up checks and sends each batch run to the appropriate person for posting and proofreading. Updates and maintains patient demographic data and requests necessary insurance and billing information from patients and or coworkers as needed. handles Uniform Billing Form 92 (UB92) and Health Care Finance Administration billing. Checks visit tickets claim forms and benefit explanations for possible issues shares findings promptly. Informs supervisor of all worries problems with risk management protocol violations and helpful feedback. Role Charge Entry ExecutiveExperience FreshersQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 25K per monthShift night ShiftJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Chennai25 Batch can also Apply for this PositionWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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