Chat Assistant Role - 33hr

33 hr Body Hi [NAME] We are in need of reliable and enthusiastic chat assistants to assist with Wix websites for a number of our partners. There is no experience necessary for this role however your dependability and enthusiasm are highly important. The best part You can do this job remotely from anywhere In particular we need more applicants from your country. Read more about this job specification and apply by clicking here. As a live chat assistant you will be paid to answer chat messages on websites and social media accounts. You ll need to respond to customer questions give out sales links and provide discounts. The job is a contract position with no fixed terms paying 33 an hour. What you need to have You ll need a device that can access social media and website chat functions such as a phone tablet or laptop. Additionally you must have a reliable internet connection the ability to take instructions and work independently and have available hours of 5-40 per week. The demand for live chat assistants is soaring your country. If you meet the qualifications apply now by clicking here. We wish you the best of luck Install and Register in the App (Signature) Hoplink



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